About Me
My research interest is developing advanced dialogue systems, including both open-domain and task-oriented dialogue systems. I'm also interested in the fields of information retrieval and optimizing interactive systems by learning from users. (CV Link)
I defended my Ph.D. thesis at University of Amsterdam in 2020. You can find my Ph.D. thesis here.
I joined Amazon Alexa AI in Seattle as an Applied Scientist in the summer of 2021.
Publications at University of Amsterdam
Publications at Xiamen Univeristy
Academic Activities
TOIS, IPM, Information Retrieval journal, AAAI'24, AAAI'23, AAAI'22, CIKM'21, AAAI'21, AAAI'20, ECIR'18, SIGIR'18, CIKM'18, NAACL'19, SIGIR'19, EMNLP'19, NeurIPS'19
Neurips 2021 competition "IGLU: Interactive grounded language understanding in a collaborative environment"
European Summer School in Information Retrieval 2017, Barcelona, Spain
Teaching Experiences
- Information Retrieval 1
- Information Retrieval 2
Master Theses Supervision:
- Cyclists’ Route Choice in Amsterdam: Finding Factors of Influence and Predicting Cyclists’ Route ChoicE, with Chris Olberts
- How to measure a neighborhood: Exploring geo-spatial data enrichment and neighborhood embeddings for housing price prediction, with Guus Bobeldijk
- Text Classification for Ground Lease Documents, with Rouel de Romas
- Predicting salary using Job posting data, with Roma Bakhyshov